My family emigrated here from Scotland when I was a child. We settled in Eagle Harbour and I grew to have a deep love for Canada, particularly West Vancouver. I raised my family here and my son and his wife together with their 2 children are living in the Caulfeild area. I graduated from West Van. High with First Class Honours, earned a B.A. from UBC in International Relations and a M.Sc. in Economics from the University of Wales. (Cardiff)
I have experience. I served on Council from 2014 -2018. I worked for 38 years in the financial industry, served on numerous community boards and have been involved in many fundraising endeavours in the community.
I am purpose driven. My outlook on life is twofold: to sit back and complain or to work to change the situation for the better. I am living the second option. I now have been propelled back into politics and am running again as there are several critical issues which will determine the future of West Vancouver. These need to be successfully tackled in the next four years.
First, we must compete the Local Area Plans for Ambleside and the Taylor Way corridor. The LAP’s address issues of height, density, and land use. We must include a comprehensive HOUSING POLICY to address opportunities for both diversity and affordability. These are essential to eliminate the need for spot zoning and the guesswork for both developers and residents. We must ensure that as we DENSIFY, we do it in a respectful manner. We must retain both the seaside vibe of our community and the character of all neighbourhoods.
Secondly, we must address our SPENDING and needless waste of taxpayers’ money. A recent study by the Fraser Institute found that in the decade up to 2019 West Vancouver spent 50% more per capita than the average municipality in the Lower Mainland. We need to establish our priorities.
Thirdly, we must address TRAFFIC gridlock. We must have access to a greater frequency of shuttle buses to meet the needs of both east/west and north/south transportation. We also must engage in planning for bridges over the Capilano River at Keith Road and/or Clyde Avenue for east/west connectivity between North and West Vancouver. We must begin to work more collaboratively with North Vancouver and First Nations Councils to address traffic and infrastructure uses. We need to speak with a unified voice.
My vision for the future is a community that evolves but still retains its character – that seaside village vibe, a community that respects the integrity of all neighbourhoods, that welcomes all age groups, and advances diversity in housing and access to transportation.
I will work to protect our natural environment and the quality of life in West Vancouver. Our Arts and Culture strategies will satisfy community needs and be financially viable. As your councillor, I will work to guide West Vancouver into the future in a collaborative, intelligent and respectful manner.
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