Don’t share joints, vapes, pipes, or bongs—you may be passing more than you think.
That is the message from the provincial liquor distribution branch, which manages government cannabis stores in the province.
“Reports are that COVID-19 may spread through respiratory droplets released when you speak, cough, or sneeze and is also left on shared items and surfaces such as forks and glasses — or joints, vapes, pipes, and bongs,” according to a message from BC Cannabis stores.
“You may contract the virus by coming into contact with contaminated surfaces, either by putting them in your mouth, or by touching them and then touching your face, especially your mouth, nose, or eyes.”
The branch is also advising people to skip smoking cannabis if they are sick.
“It has been reported that COVID-19 causes infections in the nose, throat, and lungs. Since we know that over time, smoking cannabis can impact your lung health, it may be best to take a break from smoking or vaping,” according to the message.
BC Government has included cannabis stores and cannabis producers, along with grocery stores and liquor stores, in their essential service list.
The essential services should and are encouraged to remain open, according to the government, although they must follow the orders and guidance provided by the provincial health officer to ensure safe operations and reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19.
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