Just what are affirmations you may ask. Affirmations are similar to prayers, wishes or goals, only they are more structured and specific.To affirm is to make firm and simply put, the basis of all affirmations is positive thinking.
When people tell me they have never done an affirmation, I ask them if they ever had a birthday cake with candles, blown out the candles and made a wish. If they reply “yes” I then say, “You have done an affirmation . . it is as simple as that!”
I created these one-of-a-kind Affirmation Life Tools when I had surgery for colon cancer and during my chemo treatments.
I took the affirmations that I had been teaching for many years and wove them together with methods, ways and strategies that became “my much loved” and ‘”much used’ Affirmation Life Tools. I used these tools with much success and began teaching others at hospitals, businesses, groups and more.
When people ask me how to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic, I say the following: “It is important to respect and work with the usual government teachings of washing your hands often, not gathering in large crowds, distancing and wearing your masks. It is also very important to live in gratitude and being thankful for all the blessings you have received, the ones you are receiving, and the ones that you are about to receive.
And you can always find ways to communicate with family, friends, and business people via zoom, skype, face time, etc. Do not underestimate the good, “old” telephone.
I find that counting my blessings gives me a sense of peace and always comforts me.
One of my most popular Affirmation Life Tools is what I call The Magic, Magnetic Circle.
One of the first things in the morning, I stand in front of the window and with my arms outstretched from my sides,I turn slowly clockwise three times and repeat the following: “! (Anne Marie Evers) deserve and now magnetize into my Magic Magnetic Circle from the sun, moon, stars and the entire solar system peace, health, joy and happiness to my family and myself, which extends to everyone I meet and to those who wish to join us. I suggest you use one affirmation at a time and do my exercise three times. When you follow these steps, watch your affirmations manifest right before your very eyes.
Also, end all affirmations with, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Watch for more Affirmation Life Tools that will help you.
Many people in my affirmation groups have great success with this Affirmation Life Tool. Do it and see what it does for you! Many Blessings!
I invite you to visit my website annemarieevers.com
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