BC Highway Patrol (BCHP) is investigating a collision involving a commercial vehicle and an overpass near the Ironworkers Memorial Bridge on Friday morning.
The incident occurred at 9:27 a.m. when officers received reports of a truck stopped on the shoulder of the highway, just south of the Main Street on-ramp. Upon arrival, authorities determined that a grader being transported on a flat-deck tractor-trailer had struck the Main Street overpass.
Initial inspections revealed minor damage to the overpass and damage to the cab of the grader. No significant structural concerns were reported. BCHP and Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement (CVSE) officials remain on the scene to assess the situation and determine potential enforcement actions. No road closures have been implemented, but drivers may experience delays.
Anyone who travels these routes on a daily basis knows that these accidents and delays are a daily occurrence.
There were was no credible Traffic Capacity Analysis done prior to approving these huge developments on the North Shore…municipal politicians were too eager to “build baby build !” and swallow the empty promises from developers of “affordability” which has NOT happened. And never will.
Drivers are now stuck with crowded traffic arteries to and from North Vancouver across the Second Narrows, Port Mann and the Lions Gate bridges.