The Squamish Nation has launched an online survey to assess the impact of CN Rail on the community.
“Over the years, we have heard many Squamish Nation members share concerns around the impacts of CN Rail train activity through and/or next to our reserves in North Vancouver and the Squamish Valley,” stated a press release issued by the Squamish Nation.
After an informative meeting with the City of North Vancouver and CN Rail, the Squamish Nation will be reconvening a working group comprised of Nation representatives, CN Rail, and other levels of government to discuss community concerns around idling, air quality, noise pollution, and other disruptive train-related activities.
The survey will help the Squamish Nation to understand and articulate the exact nature of members’ concerns, including details of how the train activity is negatively impacting members’ lives; develop a set of recommendations for consideration by CN Rail and responsible government bodies, with the aim of mitigating these concerns as much as possible; and advocate on behalf of impacted members to CN Rail and various other levels of government.
Deadline for the online survey is January 3, 11:59 pm.
Members can also call 604-982-0510 until Friday, December 18 at 4:30 pm to complete the survey by telephone.
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