The City of North Vancouver is giving public notice for a proposed duplex development. CNV has received an application to rezone a property at 229 East 22nd Street, from one-unit residential to a two-unit residential to allow a duplex. Each duplex will have an accessory dwelling unit, and four parking spaces accessible off the lane.
Those who believe they may be affected by the proposal can submit their name and address to the Corporate Officer at, or by mail or delivered to City Hall, no later than 12 pm on Monday, February 6 to ensure their availability to Council at the meeting.
In person at City Hall: On the day of the Public Meeting, a sign-up sheet will be available in the lobby, outside the Council Chamber, between 5:30 and 6:00pm. Enter City Hall through the doors at the southwest corner of the building (off 13th Street) after 5:30pm.
Via Webex/phone: Pre-register by completing the online form at PublicMeetings, or by phoning 604-990-4230 to provide contact details, so call-in instructions can be forwarded to you. All Webex/phone pre-registration must be submitted no later than 12 pm noon on Monday, February 6, 2023.
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