The District of West Vancouver has scheduled a public hearing for three properties on July 17 at 7 pm. The District of West Vancouver has received a rezoning proposal for townhomes in Rodgers Creek area of the community. The proponent has an application for a 12-unit townhome project at 2833 Chippendale Road. The property is close to the Mulgrave School.
The proposed rezoning would amend the Rodgers Creek development permit area guidelines to allow for 6 additional housing units to accommodate the proposed 12-unit cluster housing development. Burgers Architecture, on behalf of Kenstone Properties, has submitted a proposal to provide family-oriented “missing middle” housing as identified in the OCP.
A public hearing has also been set for a rezoning proposal at 875 & 885 Jefferson Avenue. This would allow the properties to be subdivided from two into four single-family lots. Similar is the proposal for rezoning at 2237 Palmerston Avenue, which would allow the property to be subdivided from one into two single-family lots.
A zoning amendment is required to allow the subdivision as the proposed lots do not comply with the minimum lot area requirements of the RS3 zone.
All persons who believe their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaws and development permit will be given an opportunity to present written submissions and to be heard during the public hearing regarding the proposed bylaws. To participate in person, please attend the Council Chamber at the time listed above. To participate by electronic communication facilities, please call 604-925-7004 on July 17 to be added to the speakers list. Instructions are available at
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