BC Hydro is in the process of replacing existing light bulbs with energy-efficient LEDs to comply with federal regulations. All BC Hydro street lights across the North Shore will switch to LED by the end of summer 2022 as part of the BC Hydro Street Light Replacement Project.
Street lights are switching to LEDs for much the same reason that people choose LEDs for their homes: they use far less energy, are more reliable, last longer, and are more sustainable. LEDs are 50% more efficient than the previous light bulbs, last up to three times longer, and do not contain toxic chemicals, which altogether contribute to a reduced carbon footprint.
LED street lights also help improve public safety by increasing the visibility of sidewalks and roads at night. The whiter and more natural light produced by LEDs increases the contrast between an object and its surroundings, helping drivers identify people and objects in the roadway more quickly and accurately.
You may start noticing new LED street lights in your neighbourhood. Visit BC Hydro’s website at the link below to learn more:
BC Hydro’s Street Light Replacement Project
BC Hydro owns and maintains over 1,000 street lights within the District of West Vancouver. You can identify a BC Hydro street light if it is attached to a wooden pole, whereas District street lights are typically attached to metal poles. Visit the link below to learn more about street lights in West Vancouver.
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