It occurred to me as I listened to both the Seymour River residents plus many friends and neighbors in Maplewood answer questions about their community, in that we can do it better. If we have to change it then we will not settle for less than the best! Do we have to change it? Maybe not right now but that would be decided by our new council.
What happened next was unexpected and honest. There where many concerns conveyed, celebrations of life remembered and then they asked and shared with me how could we improve Maplewood’s future development (within one year my editor added) in less than a year.. Whatever proceeds comes from the heart of Maplewood and did change my mind.and hopefully yours, It began with defining its “Heart” and what it means to live in Maplewood… There are more than a few odd things and peoples we could do more for to make all our of lives better including taking a chance on a healing Maplewoods wounded heart! Our diversity makes us great not to mention durable.
So let us start with connectivity, Riverside drive is dangerous to walk your kids and dog on in places, better parking management and pedestrian lanes are in order as is our long promised trail system…trail system, what a great idea! Keep the pedestrians away from the traffic and I think it could be built quickly with community support. We have great trails on the North Shore, do you think it is time to build a few more? Do dogs like trails, yes almost as much kids and mountain bikers.
The young families of Maplewood wish for simple safe, superior social services and environments for their kids, kin and neighbors. The older folks seem to want to stay the same with a mind ensure tradition and quality of life are not lost to new development. A Social Policy needs to be created, and attached to the Malpewood OCP development plan, through the Districts Planning dept. There is a constant craving for better health and safety in the Maplewood, be it traffic or Chemical safety at the plants. Let us strive for the highest standard in the New Year.
We believe that the District, Developers and commercial residents of the all of the Maplewood lands and properties should lean in and contribute a little more to the heart, immediately. The Plaza Properties could easily be temporarily tasked to serve as triage and intake center for folks that have fallen on hard times…or…That a regular resident that has a need of assistance or community services could access. A Pop-up community center with drop in and daycare, or just call it a Maplewood Community Care Center and it could be achieved in less than a month. It could serve as the healing Heart Maplewood. All are possible.
From Deep Cove to Inter-River and Lynn Valley there is a need for a Superior EMS, Fire Ambulance and RCMP center and it is suggested that North Shore Search and Rescue should have presence here in Maplewood as well. If we hope to be the most excellent installation of health and safety here where it is needed then we have to start asking now… and maybe a great revolutionary new healthcare facility if we ask nicely for what the community really needs. Someone will have to speak before District Council.
There have been many postulations by the population about the higher density “Innovation District” in the Maplewood and I am all for it! Unfortunately I am in the minority. A majority reminds me that we have need local seniors care, and a community center that can double as Emergency Center and from shelter from a calamity or Natural Disaster …not unlike Park Gate…we all need the best of care and Maplewood deserves it.
Maplewood needs communication, not unlike Stongs bulletin board but lager including Facebook, twitter and Google! Wait, it’s done! Lets improve it already, life favors the bold! We are pleased with how much resource is at hand, we will have compete to ensure and enhance it so we call on the web-savvy to contribute their best.
So, we are deficient in reforming a new Maplewood Area Community Association board, notice is given that Stongs bulletin board and Facebook will provide further information, Opportunity and ballots to create new executive and association Maplewood should speak with one voice and elect the best we can get, Please step up and participate, after all a Community is what you make it.
A Maplewood daze festival and parade was the most popular idea floated as I finished my tour of visiting neighbours while floating gently down the Seymour. A summer river flotilla down the Seymour seemed like a great idea, river levels permitting followed by a community BBQ picnic. Please take a minute and enjoy our Maplewood Environment this year.
A resident of Maplewood for the last five decades, Stuart Porter Hogan is currently the co-chair of the Maplewood Area Community Association
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