Fresh Street Market will restrict hours of operation and have a designated Seniors’ Shopping Hour for the most vulnerable population in West Vancouver.
The store hours will be from 8 am to 8 pm, effective Sunday, March 22.
The senior shopping hour will be every Wednesday and Friday, from 7 am to 8 am
The store is also suspending food sampling until further notice.
It is also suspending salad bars, olive bars and self-serve soups immediately to ensure the safety of its customers.
The store will offer a refrigerated version of these salads, olives and soups in the deli. It will also suspend the sale of bulk bakery item, and will offer the same products packaged or they can be purchased with the help of a counter staff member.
The store is also asking customers to pack their own groceries in their reusable bags at the front checkout to protect Fresh St. Market staff from cross contamination.
The store said it has implemented vigorous cleaning rules for all high touch areas of the store, and increased the frequency of cleaning in areas such as restrooms, cash checkouts, service counters, grocery carts and hand baskets and bulk food dispensers.
“We understand that it can be frustrating to see some items missing from the shelves but we ask for your support while our staff are working diligently,” the store said.
“We commend the courage and empathy that our staff have shown in these times of uncertainty. Please show kindness to all, as a community, we will all get through this if we all support one another.”
The changes will be implemented in all Fresh St. Market stores in BC.
What do you consider a senior?
I am 55 years old and recognized at Shopper’s Drug Mart as a senior.
How does this stupidity continue. Are the staff wearing masks yet? They were not yesterday.
Seniors should NOT be out and about at all. The added threat to staff, patrons, and the additional cost of wages/operating costs should be allocated to deliveries especially for our most vulnerable. And we are all vulnerable!
Alternately, here is a chance for healthy families to engage in volunteerism. Mr Rogers told us to look for “the helpers” in difficult times… many of us could be just that by giving our time to help deliver groceries to those in need.
Stay home, people, and keep that terrifying and very real curve as flat as possible.