District of North Vancouver is seeking the public’s input on the second phase of the active transportation routes in Lynn Valley.
This section of Lynn Valley Road runs from Peters Road to Dempsey Road and serves local residents, businesses, and visitors to destination parks. DNV is asking residents about their concerns as they walk, cycle, roll, drive, or take transit on Lynn Valley Road.
The online engagement runs from May 16 to June 6, 2022.
The input given by the residents will help create a road design that balances the needs of all road users and local neighbourhoods, taking into account the constraints of limited road space and lack of direct alternate routes.
The stretch of Lynn Valley Road from Peters Road to Dempsey Road received Council’s approval in March 2022 to proceed to engaging with the public to inform potential future improvements.
Council approved Lynn Valley Road Active Transportation Project Phase 1, from to proceed to construction, which is anticipated to start in summer 2022. The first phase will make upgrades along Lynn Valley Road between Mountain Highway and Peters Road.
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