The District of North Vancouver is considering on-street paid parking in key growth and community recreation centres as part of a curbside management strategy.
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District is adjusting to new provincial regulations that limit local control over off-street parking, said Ryan Schaap, the District of North Vancouver’s communications specialist. Bills 44 and 47 restrict the ability to set parking requirements in transit-oriented areas, such as Lynn Creek, and for some multiplex housing developments, he said.
As a result, the District is reviewing how to manage future demand for on-street parking. The district is also exploring additional timed parking or pay parking in high-growth areas to ensure public parking is available for residents, businesses, and visitors. Similar changes could be introduced at community recreation centres, though further analysis is needed before specific locations are finalized, he added.
The municipality also plans to adjust paid parking in DNV parks to market rates while maintaining a $10 resident pass. This is expected to generate revenue of $270,000.
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Other revenue-generating initiatives part of the 2025-2029 Financial Plan are:
- Business licenses for short- and long-term rentals are expected to generate $300,000.
- Fire inspection fees for re-inspections and commercial or industrial buildings are estimated at $250,000.
- Restructuring fees for development sites are projected to bring in $200,000.
- Adjustments to bylaw enforcement fines to improve compliance, with an impact of $40,000.
The District Council reviewed the financial plan at a meeting on February 11.
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lol…just more examples of sticking it to the little people….a more civilized version of tariffs? cuz the taxes everyone pays isn’t enough I guess….incredible!
It’s pay for use and since everyone seems to want bike lanes then maybe they should start using them
We do use them. Sorry you can’t ride a bike there is lessons for adults.
I hope those that DON’T OWN SMART PHONES, will not be isolated!!
This is getting ridiculous. Tax everyone to death and yet, you want MORE money from people. How about building MORE school and stop building tiny homes for people who can’t even live in them. North Vancouver is NoT design to hold this much people. Time to get it through your tiny head and stop the developing boxes and focus on building more schools first.
The hunger for money on all government levels is endless.
Where will it stop?
I love “part of a “curbside management strategy” wording. What a joke!
Moved here in 94 from disgusting T.O. cuz North Van just seemed too good to be true. The DNV and City of NV have completely botched everything nice about the North Shore over the past 20 years. Disgraceful. Government never listens to the People. Been to a lot of meetings to express my opinions. Listened to most attendees of those meetings who are in agreement. Results are published, but the government just changes the parameters of the voted-in Official Community Plan. What a joke. A bunch of asshole simpletons held hostage by the big developers. Always in the name of progress. Growth sucks. It doesn’t improve anything for anyone. The infrastructure obviously needed to be built beforehand, not afterwards. Unless you are a complete village idiot like the dumbass traitors on council who are on the payroll. Ca’$Ching.
Just another way to rob the people. We already pay an astronomical amount in taxes. And for what? To then pay for everything else??? Soon, the only people left in Vancouver will be money launderers and crime bosses. And to the jokesters suggesting we bike everywhere – try biking with three kids to swim class.
Just unbelievable !! Another cash grab from the district !! Where will all that revenue go ?? Can you not ever think about what is really needed in communties such as more support for those in need instead of massive profits that only goes to the pockets of beaurocrats !!! So dam shameful 😔
Born and raised North Van citizen, i have never been less proud, more embarrassed of my city. I have no pride here. I’m paying an unaffordable amount of money to live in an insufferable place, with insufferable taxes and insufferable politicians. Maybe let the city decide what it wants for itself, and have a plan for the future so locals can access their city without having to be tolled to the grave.