Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) COVID-19 vaccination clinics are offering dedicated supports to children five to 11 years of age. As they are booking their child’s appointment through the Get Vaccinated system, parents and guardians can choose from a number of options based on their child’s specific care needs.
VCH began operating dedicated children’s clinics in December 2021 and these additional supports will ensure children, parents and guardians have a positive and child-centred experience while getting vaccinated, tailored to meet the needs of each child.
Children ages five to 11 are welcomed at all VCH vaccination clinics, each of which have health care professionals trained to support children and their parents or guardians though the vaccination process. For children who need additional support during their vaccination, parents and guardians can access the following options:
For a child-specific experience, look for an “Ages 5 to 11” specific appointment at vaccination clinics throughout the VCH region via the Get Vaccinated system. For children who require a quieter space, book an appointment at a clinic with individual rooms via the Get Vaccinated system. These clinics include:
o Vancouver: George Pearson Age 5-11 Clinic
o Richmond: Pacific Autism Family Network Age 5-11 Clinic
o North Shore: ICBC Age 5-11 Clinic
For children ages five to 17 with special needs, such as autism, sensory processing, or needle phobia, call to set up an appointment in a specialized setting:
Central Intake (all VCH communities): 604-263-7377
Getting children vaccinated from COVID-19 provides a number of critical benefits. While children five to 11 years of age are at a lower risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19 than other cohorts, vaccination will reduce the risk further.
The protection afforded by vaccination can also help children and families continue to engage in important activities, including attending school and recreational activities, and minimize disruptions to family life and education due to self-isolation. These factors significantly benefit the physical and mental health of children, who have been negatively impacted by the pandemic.
Further, as requirements for travel in Canada and other countries continue to shift, vaccination of eligible family members with World Health Organization-approved vaccines may help facilitate family travel. On November 29, 2021, all children aged five to 11 became eligible to receive a COVID-19 pediatric vaccine.
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