District of West Vancouver is inviting the community to help create the Ambleside Local Area plan.
On June 13, Council directed staff to prepare three high-level, draft options for engagement and to report back in the first quarter of 2023. Staff presented the draft options to Council and have been directed to proceed with community engagement. The community is invited to review the draft options and help shape the future of Ambleside. The three options are not definitive, but are a tool to generate feedback and new ideas from the community.
A Local Area Plan is a framework that guides positive change and strengthens the identity, livability, and success of a particular area in the community. The Ambleside LAP outlines the long-range vision for Ambleside as a whole, and provides more detailed regulations and guidelines to shape the form and character of new development.
It also confirms the local policy response to planning topics such as housing, commerce, mobility, sustainability, and the public realm. Once adopted, it would become part of the West Vancouver’s Official Community Plan.
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