City of North Vancouver (CNV) plans to amend its noise bylaws to reduce the permitted construction hours on Saturday. Currently, permitted construction hours on Saturday are from 9 am to 7 pm.
CNV staff is recommending reducing the construction hours by two hours from 9 am to 5 pm on Saturday.
Construction activity will be permitted between 7 am and 8 pm, Monday to Friday, but will remain prohibited on holidays.
These hours align with construction hours across the North Shore and would provide a small respite to nearby residents, CNV says.
Construction-related noise complaints make up for the majority of the complaints, according to an analysis by the staff.
City of North Vancouver officials looked at the noise complaints received by Bylaw Services in 2020 and for the first nine months of 2021. Construction-related complaints account for approximately 64% of all noise complaints received.
In the past 18 months, construction sites that were non-compliant were issued bylaw notices. Recently, the staff also issued stop-work orders for non-compliance.
“Bylaw staff is finding that after two recent ‘Stop Work’ Orders were issued, behaviour is slowly changing and improving,” notes a report to CNV Council.
Current bylaw requires one construction sign to be posted in a prominent location on the property visible from at least one adjacent street.
Under the proposed bylaw, construction signage will be required on all exposed sides of the construction site.
According to the staff, it has consulted with industry stakeholders on the proposed changes, and they have received positive feedback about the changes.
B. Efler says
Why can’t we have the same By Laws as West Vancouver, and NO Construction on Saturday or Sunday. Hope you update the By Law.
AntonioWah says
C2 states that The predicted construction noise effects from Table 10-1 in Section 10.1 are predicted to be typically acceptable, but with the potential for some disturbance.