The union for Blue Bus drivers and mechanics announced today that it is endorsing candidate Mark Sager for West Vancouver District Mayor in the October 15th election.
ATU Local 134 President Cornel Neagu says that the union is supporting Sager over incumbent Mayor Mary-Ann Booth after a long and difficult contract bargaining dispute with West Vancouver that only ended with the union’s offer to go to binding arbitration and over the loss of Blue Bus service.
Neagu said that during Booth’s term West Vancouver lost two Blue Buss bus routes, the 257 Horseshoe Bay Express and the 258 UBC Express, and that the mayor declines to attend meeting of the TransLink Mayor’s Council on Regional Transportation that oversees transit and transportation in Metro Vancouver, instead sending a councillor in her place when larger municipalities’ mayors attend.
“There has been a serious lack of leadership and loss of transit services under Mayor Booth – it’s time for a new mayor in West Vancouver who makes our Blue Bus service and transportation issues a priority,” Neagu said. “We want to see a new mayor with a new approach in West Vancouver and our choice is Mark Sager, who will bring a more collaborative style of working with people.”
Neagu said the union has had productive discussions with Sager, who was previously mayor of West Vancouver District, and is pleased he understands and appreciates the union’s frustrations with the way labour relations have been handled and loss of service.
“ATU Local 134 may not agree with Mark Sager on every issue but we do agree that labour relations and transit services have been completely bungled by Mary-Ann Booth and believe they can be repaired under the leadership of a new mayor,” Neagu said.
ATU Local 134 has 150 members who operate and maintain West Vancouver’s Blue Bus system of 64 buses that transport about 18,000 passenger trips per day.
Mark Sager has always had a VESTED interest in what’s BEST for West Van. And I’m sure he’ll take an ACTIVE role.
Obsy is on the right track! and I totally agree West Vancouver needs a change from Mayor Booth, I didn’t want to see her elected way back when in the first place. But if union members believe their interests will remain front and centre over those of developers’ under a Sager council, they may well be in for a major disappointment. Disheartening to see more of the same old, same old politics-forever term after term.
Let’s have some new talent, leadership, experience, and dedication step forward…throughout B.C.
Signed: Ever hopeful
Granted that Sager was Mayor a long time ago, the regional issues are more complex now than ever before. We should be looking at the best possible transit service for West Van, not merely protecting a union whose members would probably be better off as part of Coast Mountain. That would be the true win-win.
Being part of CMBC will mean complete and total loss of control over the transit. CMBC won’t listen to any of concerns from West Vancouver residents. For union members will mean a different uniform and probably better working conditions. Blue Bus is part of West Vancouver history, functioning since 1910, who’s going to end it. That’s the question!
Can we talk about ethics and Mark Sager?
Careful, careful, Juan De Fuca, are you insinuating Sager has behaved unethically? If so, I see a defamation lawsuit heading your way. Nowhere in the NS News article, or the better written CBC article, is the word ‘ethics’ even mentioned. Sager’s oversight occurred in 2012 and a complaint raised in 2017, after his godmother’s passing, because the deceased’s disgruntled sister was upset that she had written the niece out of her will. Of note, even if his godmother had sought independent legal advice at the time, the end result would have been the same would it not i.e. Biological niece removed and godson Sager added as a beneficiary. The CBC article sums it best ‘The society issued the fine, but decided against suspending Sager because the panel found his behaviour, though inappropriate, wasn’t rooted in dishonesty or negligence. The panel also noted Sager does not have a history of personal or professional misconduct.’ WV needs to rid ourselves of the current dysfunctional mayor and council. Before you judge Sager, I encourage you to meet the man and learn of his platform. Sager is the leader that WV needs at the helm at this time.
Oh my lord all you have to do is read what the actual decision on Sager’s professional misconduct was
Defamation my ass.
No need for bad language, Masa. Yes, the panel ruled him guilty of professional misconduct for incidents that occurred involving his ‘Auntie J’ in 2014 that were brought forth in 2017 by the revengeful sister of ‘Auntie J’ (a sister, who on the advice of her own lawyer, withdrew her separate challenge to the will which is quite telling in itself!). I’ve read the BC Law Society summary as well as its very detailed 32 page 2019 LSBC 22 Decision on Facts and Determination. Unfortunately for Sager and the junior lawyer involved (the latter having drawn up the will and its final contents were unseen by Sager), neither had apprised themselves of the new BC Code issued the previous year (Jan 2013). Had this incident occurred prior to 2013 or if Sager was truly considered an aunt (i.e. family member) in the eyes of the law, this would not be a breach and we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. Furthermore, the junior lawyer made the assumption that Sager was a nephew because Sager, who enjoyed a relationship with the client akin to that of nephew and aunt (and the client had even been named as his guardian on his parent’s will), referred to his long-standing family friend as ‘Auntie J’. Nonetheless, I don’t question the panel’s decision. But should one hang the man or accuse him of being an unethical/immoral person because of this one minor oversight in an unblemished 30+ year legal career, especially when it caused no harm to anyone. Even if his ‘Auntie J’ had sought the required independent legal advice, the outcome and benefit to Sager would have been the same (i.e. ‘Auntie J’, being of sound mind, wanted him named as her executor and a beneficiary and wanted him to have the gift). Both were done with the full knowledge of the son of her disgruntled sister. Sager did the right thing to admit the breach and took his licks. That, and his previous WV School Board, Councillor, and Mayor seats in early adult life and his extensive service to this community, should be the measure of the man. Meet with him before you judge.
P.S. I am neither related to nor friends with nor am I involved in Sager’s campaign.
Thank you for your reply and trying to justify a professional misconduct as a lawyer. No wonder lawyers get such a bad rep. Why doesn’t Mr. Sager address the public about this? Inquiring minds want to know given that if he is successful in becoming mayor, this will hang like a sore in the side of not only the office and council, but also our entire community.
You really do sound like a Sager partisan given your veiled threat against another West Van resident for free speech. Good day to you.
Seems like this article is missing out on the fact that there are mayoral candidates without the tainted history, scandals, or failed promises that Booth and Sager have displayed.
Justin Charles Wong, might you IN ANY WAY (blood, in-law, adoption, etc) be related to WV mayoral candidate Marcus Wong? Either way, since you share the same albeit common surname, you should be upfront in your comments as to whether or not you are. Kindly enlighten this audience. Thank you!
Hi Truth Be Told,
I am in NO way, shape or form related to Marcus Wong, we simply have the same surname.
I have lived in West Vancouver my entire life and have experience with politics at the Federal level. This information is publicly available, and I have nothing to hide.
I do not feel the same transparency of your your comments, especially hiding behind a screen name.
I would like to ask about your information and if you are related in ANY WAY shape or form to Mark Sager – perhaps being the individual himself.
Thanks for the clarification, Justin. In future, you just might want to save us all the trouble and state NO RELATION outright. I am in no way related to Mark Sager (nor any candidate) nor am I working on his campaign (nor any candidates). I would have declared so if I was. In fact, I voted for Christine Cassidy for mayor last election (was a very tough decision between her and Sager) and am relieved they are running for separate positions this time round. I am a decades long resident of WV and I use an alias only because I am female and using my real name, being unusual, could then be used by any reader to easily find where I live. So I’m not hiding, but rather just protecting myself.
With all due respect, you can do what you would like, I just don’t think it presents very well how you are hiding behind a screen name without much of a reason. Based on that fact, I also don’t trust any of which you claim as I have no way to confirm that information.
I am also a decades long West Vancouver resident (my whole life in fact) and I can argue the same about “protecting” myself via a screen name, but I’d rather not lurk behind the shadows.
Justin Charles Wong, what is this ‘tainted history’, ‘scandals’, and ‘failed promises’ you speak of in relation to Sager. (Say what you like about Booth, I’m no fan of her either and her lack of leadership and ‘let them eat cake’ attitude speaks for itself). I’ve already addressed Juan De Fuca’s comment on Sager but you imply you know more about him so please enlighten the audience. Be warned ‘defamation lawsuits’ are on high alert but you can always retract your statement if you need to. Thank you.
Hi Again Truth Be Told,
I am more than happy to entertain humour, but for defamation lawsuits to occur you would have to prove that what I’ve said is untrue.
This information is all public domain and I simply have used my eyes and ears being a concerned West Van resident.
You have the freedom to interpret my comment in any which way, but the comment stands as does the concise wording.
Furthermore, this is my own opinion in the matter and I would encourage all residents to take a look for themselves at what is available in the public domain for all candidates and make their own determination.
I personally put more credence behind posts that provide their actual information as opposed to those that use an alias and threaten defamation lawsuits.
Thanks for the reply, Justin, but I am none the wiser. I am not on any social media so I rely on Google for my research. The only indiscretion I can find on Sager is the unfortunate oversight involving his godmother which has already been addressed in the comments. Might you please bullet point or provide at least one or two links to back up your statement about ‘tainted history’, ‘scandals’, and ‘failed promises’ in relation to Sager. BTW I’m no lawyer. I gave only a friendly warning that we must all be prepared to back up what we say online. The onus is on the defence to prove it, not the other way around (the accuser only needs to show that the defence’s communication lowered their reputation in the eyes of a reasonable person). In my previous reply, I dealt with the reason why I must use an alias.
Interesting that the 257 and 258 are mentioned. My understanding is the 257 was changed over because the Blue Bus’ bus depot was at capacity and West Vancouver did not have the will or ability to expand it. So to increase service the bus route the uses 60ft buses and therefore take up the most space in the depot would be moved to Coast Mountain Bus. So without a new depot this was the way to maximize Blue Bus drivers (swap fewer 60ft buses for the 257 to more 40ft buses for increased local service). Then looking at the 258 per Translink just before covid it was costing over $6 per boarding, which was one of the most expensive, and considering a combination of taking a bus downtown and then transferring at Burrard isn’t that bad if it is saving a lot. The money could go to more West Van service or reducing taxes.
So is the candidate saying he wants to raise taxes and have West Vancouver pay extra service? Is he going to buy another bus depot (if so where)? How is he going to pay for this because just saying “will negotiate with Translink” or “find efficiencies” – aka outsource or reduce pay – is what every mayor says and given West Vancouver has high home values you can guess where Translink is going to go for more funding.
What do the other mayor candidates say? I think there are 4 running? Is any going to take the time and insight to find logical solutions while admitting there are going to be costs and trade-offs.
You’re totally wrong. 257 Express was voluntary given to CMBC because according to West Vancouver political Leaders, “It’s not a service essential for West Vancouver residents “. We ran 257 Express for over 50-60 years and capable to do it if the management was the RIGHT one.
Interesting because per the North Shore News on June 7, 2018 in the article titled “West Van gives 257 Blue Bus run to TransLink” the reason had to do with increasing service meant the depot could not hold the additional busses so that is why they gave it up. So is there a new depot since 2018? My understanding is that the lost 257 were made up with new Blue Buses for increases in local West Van service. Like the depot is only so big and where would they put another one? How much would that cost? Even with Blue Bus as the operators how much does that really give West Van in additional say (seems like not much – any examples where it was because of Blue Bus – not sure discussions – something else was done?)
Per the article,
“Unlike TransLink though, Blue Bus has its own depot and maintenance yard on the North Shore. But that facility on Lloyd Avenue no longer has the capacity to deal with the articulated buses, according to the district.”
““It was never built to maintain the number of buses that we currently have in operation,” said Donna Powers, District of West Vancouver spokeswoman.”